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Accessibility venues

The two-story Palazzo Albizzini venue does not have an elevator, so it is partially accessible to people with mobility disabilities.
The exhibition spaces of the former Tobacco Dryhouses venue are fully accessible by wheelchair; the two floors are connected by stairlifts. A wheelchair for use by visitors with walking problems is available upon request. In both museums, guides in CAA (augmentative alternative communication) can be requested free of charge in hard copy.

The museums of the Burri Foundation have equipped themselves with a new audio guide, which can also be used by blind people, deaf people (in LIS language) and people with cognitive disabilities through content in “easy to read” and CAA.
Inside the exhibition halls, mimetic typhlodidactic models are also available for the blind public, and by reservation, participatory tours or inclusive educational workshops are conducted with specially trained staff.

The Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri is working on the development of an inclusion plan based on important experiences already established.
Specifically, the Burri Foundation works on projects for individuals with physical, psycho-physical and cognitive disabilities through the creation of paths where the disabled person is not only considered a user of the proposed activities, but becomes an active participant in the development and implementation of the activities themselves.

Palazzo Albizzini

Logo Italia domani

Former tobacco dryers

A significant contribution to these activities is related to the public notice for the submission of intervention project proposals for the removal of physical, cognitive and sensory barriers in private museums and places of culture under NRP Mission 1 – Digitization, Innovation, Competitiveness and Culture Measure 1 – “Cultural Heritage for the Next Generation” Component 3 – Culture 4.0 (MIC3-3) Investment 1.2 “Removal of physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives to enable wider access and participation in culture” funded byThe European Union – NextGenerationEU and managed by the Ministry of Culture.

Intervention implemented with the support of Funds for Call for Projects: Intervention for the support of projects in the field of cultural welfare year 2023 – “PR ERDF 2021-2027. Az. 1.3.4.- Support for tourism, tourism services, film, audiovisual, cultural and creative and social enterprises” – CUP G18C23001560006

Opening Hours
Museum contacts
Palazzo Albizzini

via Albizzini 1, 06012
Città di Castello, PG
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