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The Fondazione Burri

The Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri Foundation was established on 02/27/1978 by the will of Maestro Alberto Burri. It is recognized as a private legal person by Decree of the President of the Regional Council of the Region of Umbria no. 272 of 07/04/1978

To view the Bylaws click here

The Foundation’s Board of Directors is composed of twelve directors appointed: by the Board of Directors of the Cassa di Risparmio di Città di Castello now Casse di Risparmio dell’Umbria; by the City Council of Città di Castello; by the Association for the Protection and Preservation of the Monuments of the Upper Tiber Valley, based in Città di Castello; by the Dean of the Faculty of Letters of La Sapienza University of Rome

The organs of the Foundation for the four-year period 2022/2026 are as follows:

Consiglio d’amministrazione

Bruno Corà, Presidente
Giancarlo Bacchi
Antonello Folco Biagini
Chiara Burzigotti
Catia Cecchetti
Domenico Colcelli
Marco Conti
Giuseppe Fortuni
Roberta Giorni
Tiziano Sarteanesi
Carla Subrizi
Stefano Valeri

Comitato Esecutivo

Bruno Corà
Stefano Valeri
Tiziano Sarteanesi

Segretario Generale

Anna Maria Traversini

Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti

Lamberto Lanari
Simone Mariotti
Paolo Tanzi

Contact and info
via Albizzini 1, 06012
Città di Castello, PG
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