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Teatro Continuo


For the 15th Milan Triennale in 1973, Alberto Burri, was invited to participate in the “Contatto Arte-Città’ section, and he designed the Teatro Continuo to be built in Parco Sempione, a work at complete disposal of the community and minimally invasive on the green area.

The architectural structure is composed of six steel wings (600 x 250 x 25 cm) rotating on vertical axes, the surfaces of which are coated on one side in matt black paint and on the other in white. They are fixed to a raised base of fair-faced reinforced concrete (65 x 1700 x 1050 cm.), in turn installed in an ideal finishing line that crosses the Park, between the Arco della Pace and the Castello Sforzesco.

In 1989, without Burri’s knowledge, the work was demolished but, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, at the proposal of the Burri Foundation and thanks to the interest of the law firm NCTM of Milan that was interested in sponsoring the entire reconstruction work, in agreement with the Municipality of Milan, the Teatro Continuo was returned to the city on May 23th 2015. The direction of the works, carried out by the company Leggeri, was entrusted to the architect Tiziano Sarteanesi.

The Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri and the NCTM studio donated the work to the Municipality of Milan, who entrusted its preservation and maintenance to La Triennale.

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viale Emiliano Alemagna 9,
20121, Milano
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