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Visite guidate

The service is provided at both museum sites (Palazzo Albizzini and Ex Seccatoi del Tabacco) in the following ways.
Duration is about 1 hour and 30 minutes at each location.
By prior arrangement they are also conducted in English.

For information and reservations: tel. 075.8554649 –

guided tours at set times

Available daily, in Italian, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

The fee is €10.00 per person, at each museum location, in addition to the entrance fee. The visit is activated with a minimum of 4 people.
To register tel. 075.8554649 or contact the Ticket Office on the day of the visit.

guided tours by appointment

Available in Italian and English, at times and dates to be arranged.

Palazzo Albizzini:

  • Up to 5 people – €50.00
  • 6 to max. 18 people – € 80.00

Ex Seccatoi Tabacco:

  • Up to 5 people – €50.00
  • da 6 a max. 25 persone – € 100,00

The fee is for each museum location, in addition to the price of admission.


It is necessary to equip yourself with your own earphones for listening.

A free App is available at the Palazzo Albizzini museum venue:Collezione Burri,it is designed for guided tours in Italian and English of Maestro Burri’s anthological collection. The application can be downloaded at the visit, via QR code, to one’s iOS or Android smartphone.

The audio guide created in line with the accessibility and inclusivity projects that the Foundation has been deepening recently, can also be enjoyed by:

  • visually-impaired people, with the help of typhlodidactic models of the works, located within the exhibition halls;
  • hearing-impaired people, in LIS (Italian Sign Language);
  • people with cognitive disabilities, in alternative augmentative communication and easy to read;

At the Ex Seccatoi del Tabacco, the rooms are equipped with descriptive panels/details. By scanning the QRcode with the smartphone/tablet, the texts are also available in audio mode.

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